Chronic Fatigue

The term “chronic fatigue syndrome” is a recent one, but there’s no reason to believe that it’s a new disease. Clinicians recognized the soul-draining exhaustion, poor stamina, flu-like symptoms, unrefreshing sleep, and problems with concentration earlier than the 1950’s.

Double-blind studies involving over 3000 patients under the trade name “Spartase.” Consistently across these trials, 65 to 91% of chronic fatigue sufferers taking fully-reacted magnesium and potassium aspartates (500 mg of each, twice daily) experienced clear-cut alleviation of their symptoms. Victims typically began to notice the effects within a week: improvements were usually noted within five days, and rarely took more than 10 days to set in.

In one blinded trial, Dr. Palma Formica reported that 87% of her fatigued patients using magnesium and potassium aspartates supplements experienced relief, which she characterized as “startling”: patients taking fully-reacted magnesium and potassium aspartates “had become alert, cheerful, animated and energetic and walked with a lively step. They stated that sleep refreshed them as it had not done for months… Morning exhaustion had completely subsided”.

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Lochend Clinic has Magnesium Potassium Aspartate 120 Capsules for $25.00+gst and sells many more AOR products.

#Chronicfatigue #LochendClinic #RestfulSleep