Acute Respiratory Tract Infection and Vitamin D

Let’s explore vitamin D and it’s researched benefits.

It has been researched that Vitamin D has benefits from strong bones and improving immunity. Specifically the research showed that if you were deficient in Vitamin D (less than 30nmol/L in a blood test) you were more susceptible to acute respiratory track infections (ARTIs). Taking Vitamin D everyday or weekly also reduced the risk of ARTI’s more than taking occasional High doses of Vitamin D.

Here is how the data breaks down from a group of studies totalling 10,933 participants. Vitamin D vs. Placebo.

-Overall Protective benefits from day/week/month supplementation of vitamin D was 12% less chest infections both bacterial and viral.

-Better benefits from Day/Week supplementation with 19% protective effect over all the studies.

-Benefits increased to 70% protective effect against virus and bacterial respiratory chest infections for those patients who were deficient.

Living in Canada, we are covered up and typically do not get enough Vitamin D during the winter months.

40% of Canadians were below the cut-off of 50nmol/L during the winter months and 10% were deficient (below 30nmol/L)

Vitamin D supplementation is safe at 1000IU (25mg) / day.

Please consult you doctor if you wonder if you are deficient in Vitamin D.
