
Whiplash can occur after a car accident, fall or during sports. The sudden movement of the head back and forth causes a person to feel pain and tightness.  There are a few categories for the severity of the injury.  The Whiplash associated disorders (WAD) can be graded into 0 through 4.  The worst is WAD grade 4 when a dislocation or fractures occur in the neck.  However, the most likely injury someone after a car accident would experience is a WAD grade 2 or less. Where there is a degree of soreness in the neck and possible Range of Motion issues.

There is more to a car accident then an injury to your neck.  The driving position and the seat belt design over one shoulder there are a lot of forces which causes compensation patterns.  The force applied on a brake pedal affects the right hip and on occasion the left knee can have impact on the console.  This can result in a twist and a right hip hike.  While the seatbelt in the driver seat hold the left shoulder more during impact.  The rotation in the shoulders as the left is held back and the right moves forward during impact has a opposite twisting in the ribcage compared to the hips.  In a more severe accident bruising on the left shoulder cause result in a compensation pattern which elevates and internally rotates the left shoulder.  When the hips are rotated one direction and the ribcage the other direction the spine has less Range of motion to naturally bend and flex. Restricting the normal movement in the vertebrae in the lower back all the way up to the skull.

Identifying how the body is structurally distorted gives Lochend Clinic a treatment protocol to  able to treat  Whiplash injury effectively.  The stronger muscles in the hips and back release first as they have more contractile force to limit movement and allow the smaller (often tighter) muscles in the neck to let go more easily which reduces the inflammation response in the neck.   Expanding the scope of treatment from head to toe allows to eliminate the compensation patterns found throughout the body and find lasting relief from whiplash injury.

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