Lochend Clinic's cryotherapy ice massage

Massage Therapy Ice Treatments - The perfect combination for muscles, circulation and repairing tissue, reducing inflamed areas and promoting the healing process post work-out, post injury or optimising the muscles & body prior to sports events. So why Ice?

Lochend Clinic's Cryotherapy Ice Treatment

Lochend Clinic uses a specific ice treatment of 30 seconds "on" massaging the ice towards the body in a circular motion followed by 5 minutes "rest" repeated 3 times. Applying the ice directly to the injured area shocks the tissues into constricting, allowing any inflammation or swelling to be encouraged out. The body responds by dilating the blood vessels after the ice is removed, sending more nutrient dense blood to the tissues and promoting healing. Repetitive treatments with ice ensure blood is replaced with new nutrient-rich blood to continue repairing tissues and reducing inflammation throughout the treatment. The body has a normal repair process which is greatly accelerated with the increased stimulus. This give time for the muscles to contract and release a few times before the trigger point activation massage on the area starts.

Why Doesn't my Ice Pack Work the Same Way?

When you apply an ice pack for extended period of time you are constricting the blood vessels and eliminating any blood to reach the injury. While this is useful minutes after an injury (to reduce the exaggerated swelling and pain), after the initial injury response there isn't any usefulness in freezing the area and you risk causing frost bite on your skin if left too long.

Why Doesn't Lochend Clinic Use Heat?

While most people find heat comforting during a massage, it may be causing some unwanted results. When you apply heat to an injury, it will dilate the already swollen area (remember the tissues there are already full with nutrient depleted blood), and the area can only handle a bit more swelling. The extra swelling of the area may limit range of motion and if the body can't effectively repair the damage, it will have trouble removing the excess inflammation, leaving you with pain.

Photo by: Jilliane Jurchuk @Jillaineart